Our shotguns are wholly hand engraved by the best master engravers in Brescia with hammer, points and burin.

The engraving is fully customisable according to the preferences of the customer, whom we will be pleased to advise the direct to the best solution.

a fine finish

We work in close cooperation with the best italian engravers, famous in the world for the quality and excellence of their works. This allows the customer to chose among a wide range of possibilities - from the finest scroll to the most detailed game scenes.

The engraving gives our guns a special touch, like a precious a frame for an auteur painting, and allows the customer to enrich an already unique product with personal finishing

handmade custom fine shotguns fine engravings

THE STORY OF Engravings

Already the prehistoric men loved to carve their hunting stories and life "ordinary" on the rocks inside the caves so trying to pass them on to posterity and create an idea of ​​the future and, therefore, hope.
The earliest hieroglyphs were later replaced by carvings and decorations on clay and ceramics and, only much later, on metal. The metal would thus become the preferred expressive material by engravers since the Renaissance.

During the Renaissance, the incision was basically used for the preparation of printing plates needed to play with paper and ink of the works of art of the Masters. Almost incredibly, however, the engraving reached levels of perfection and beauty that will become art itself that expression.

The engravings art has always been closely linked to the art of drawing and the wisdom of the hands and mind. But today it is not seen as "only" as a tool, or an addition to something that already exists. The incision has assumed a dignity and their depth; has become one with the object of desire and, at times, is the object of desire.